How To Block A Group On WhatsApp?

How To Block A Group On WhatsApp

Sometimes you feel bored with a certain WhatsApp group and want to avoid receiving further message notifications from that group. In this situation, you have to decide to either mute (block) that group or leave that group. Mute a WhatsApp group is easy and is applicable when you just get irritated with the group messages notifications. But if you want to get rid of that WhatsApp group permanently, you have to leave that WhatsApp group which is quite a tricky task. In this article, I will guide you fully on how to block a group on WhatsApp or how to mute a WhatsApp group.

WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging App in the world. According to a report in 2022, over 2.7 billion people use WhatsApp for messaging and video calling. In WhatsApp, groups are the most interesting part of chatting in a group. If you are a WhatsApp user, you surely have joined a WhatsApp group for messaging and entertainment purposes. It allows us to share information, and news, and to text each other with many people at the same time.


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How To Block A Group On WhatsApp

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How To Block A Group On WhatsApp Account?

If you are just irritated with group notifications, not with the group data, then you don’t need to leave or block a WhatsApp group. To eliminate that issue you just have to mute a WhatsApp group to get rid of group notifications. It is easy to mute or block a WhatsApp group you just have to follow some simple steps. A few of them are:

  • Go to WhatsApp and open that WhatsApp group chat you want to mute.
  • Click on the three dots at the right side at the top of your mobile screen.
  • You will see a list of group menus. Here click on the Group Info option.
  • Here, scroll the list and just behind the media and media, links, and docs option, you will see the mute notification option.
  • When you click on the mute notification button slider, I will ask you to choose a time frame.
  • Choose the length of time you would like to mute group notifications.
  • At the end, click OK and you have successfully muted a group notification.
  • There is no such way to block a WhatsApp group as of now. The only way to get rid of that problem is to mute a WhatsApp group.

Related: How To Delete A WhatsApp Group

How To Block The Admin Of the WhatsApp Group?

As of now, it is not possible to block a group admin from the WhatsApp group. The only thing that you can do is to leave the existing WhatsApp group and then block the number of group admins individually.

How To Block The Individual Member of WhatsApp Group?

When you are a group admin, you have the full responsibility to maintain discipline in the group. You have to make sure the environment of the group is healthy to discuss things. In some cases, some people do not respect the group rules and spread fake news in the group. If you are a group responsible group admin, you have to block that group member who is spreading misleading information in the group and breaking the group rules to make a strict statement about discipline. Here are a few steps to block an individual from a WhatsApp group as an admin.

  • Open the WhatsApp app on your mobile phone and go to the WhatsApp group.
  • After that tap on the group name or group subject.
  • Now, scroll the list to the end and go to the group members list.
  • Here select the member’s contact that you want to block.
  • Click on the block option and that’s it.

How To Block Someone From Adding You To A WhatsApp Group?

Luckily WhatsApp permits you to block other people or group group admins to add you in a WhatsApp group without your permission. You can make changes in WhatsApp settings and easily you can block someone from adding you to a WhatsApp group without your permission. This process is a little tricky but I will guide you completely on how to block someone from adding you to a WhatsApp group. Here are the steps you should follow to make changes in group settings to block someone from adding you to a WhatsApp group.

  • Open the WhatsApp app on your mobile phone.
  • Click on the three dots that are at the top right side of your mobile screen.
  • You will see a list. In this list, click on the settings button that is the last in the list.
  • Here you will see another list. Click on the privacy option.
  • Here click on the Groups tab.
  • Here you can make changes about who can add you to the WhatsApp group.
  • You will see three options that are Everyone, My Contacts, and My Contacts. You can make changes here according to your desire and wish.

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No, the members or admin of the group will not know that you have muted or blocked a WhatsApp group. Because this is your private action. No one will know about your actions until you tell them personally.

When you block a certain WhatsApp Group, you won’t be able to get the messages, calls, and other notifications from that certain group until and unless you unblock that WhatsApp group again.

Final Words

I hope this article will help you a lot. And I hope you find this article very informative. In this article, I have guided you completely about how to block a group on WhatsApp. With the help of this article you will easily block or mute someone easily and and also if some group member is irritating you, you can block that member as well with the help of this article. If you like this post, share your thoughts with us in the comment section and stick with us for many other posts related to WhatsApp.

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