News WhatsApp Group Links

News WhatsApp Group Links

Nowadays, everyone wants to be updated with the latest happenings around them and also from around the world. But it is so difficult to stay updated with all the latest happenings around the world because news channels do not portray every news happening worldwide. Are you a news-willing person but unable to find easy-to-access news platforms? You are at the right place. We have brought some active News WhatsApp group links for you that you can join easily and access all the news around the world.

Our Top Picks From Our List

Group Name

Government News Agency

Today News

Daily Hindi News

International Breaking News

Newspaper and TV

In these newsgroups, there are a lot of groups related to Hindi News, Tamil News, Urdu News, and English News. You can access every news in these groups. These groups will provide you with all the news related to world affairs and also you can assess the news related to your country. Also, you can find a job in these newsgroups as many news agencies advertise job posters in these news WhatsApp groups.


Group Category


How to Join

Whatsapp Groups

News Whatsapp Group Links

Updated Links

Joining with just a one-click

Latest News WhatsApp Group Links

  • Twitter News Network _ Join
  • Tapti Media News _ Join
  • Marathi News Network _ Join
  • ND India News _ Join
  • GVC Online News _ Join
  • Career Job Updates _ Join
  • Sports and WWE _ Join
  • BBC NEWS Group _ Join
  • Education News Group_ Join
  • Breaking Updates _ Join
  • Cricket and Sports News _ Join
  • Sachchi news _ Join

Related: Cryptocurrency WhatsApp Group Links

Rules And Regulations Of News WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp news groups are a very sensitive niche. So, you need to be very sure to post some news in these groups. There is a chance of misuse of these groups. To minus this issue, the admins of these respective newsgroups have created some group rules to avoid sharing of sensitive fake news. Every member should have to follow these group rules to stay in the group. Some of the top news WhatsApp group rules are listed below:

  • Do not spread fake news in these news WhatsApp groups.
  • Before sharing any news, verify that news in your way and then share it in the group.
  • Behave respectfully with other members of the group.
  • Do not use vulgar or abusive language in these newsgroups.
  • Do not share content irrelevant to the group topic.
  • Avoid sharing spammy links in these groups.
  • Do not share war news in the news WhatsApp groups.
  • Do not post any advertisement or promotion of any third party in these groups.
  • Sharing news related to a specific political agenda and religion is not allowed.
  • If someone violates any group rule, contact the group admin.

What Are News WhatsApp Group Links?

WhatsApp News Group links are the platform where you can get all the news and information from all around the world. These groups are created by communities from all around the world who share news and the latest happenings from around the world.

In these groups, you can get the news related to South Asia, the USA, and Europe. You can also share news that you have related to your country if that news is authentic. You can join these groups by clicking on the given links. All the groups listed above are updated and the links are not expired.

How To Join WhatsApp News Groups?

If you have chosen your favorite news WhatsApp group and want to join a WhatsApp group, it is as easy as a piece of cake. In this section of the article, I will try to guide you completely on how to join a WhatsApp group. Follow the given easy steps to join the news WhatsApp group.

  • Go to the list of WhatsApp news groups and choose your relevant WhatsApp group from the list.
  • Once you choose your favorite WhatsApp group, click on the JOIN NOW button that is next to the group name.
  • Doing this will redirect you to the WhatsApp App on your mobile phone.
  • Here, click on the JOIN GROUP option that is at the bottom of your mobile screen.
  • Hurrah! You have successfully joined your favorite WhatsApp group.

Pros And Cons Of News WhatsApp Group Links


  • You can get the news from these groups from all around the world.
  • Going to these groups will help you to connect with all the news related to your city, or country.
  • These groups will also help you to connect to people with different mindsets from all around the world.
  • You can find a job in these WhatsApp news groups.


  • There is a chance that there may be some fake news spread in these news WhatsApp groups.
  • There is a chance that you might get influenced by some fake news.


Yes, you can share every news in these WhatsApp groups but before posting news, keep in mind that news should be authentic because there is a hard criteria for sharing news in these news WhatsApp groups.

You can find a news WhatsApp group related to your area or country in the list of groups above. For that, scroll down the list completely find your relevant newsgroup, and then join your favorite group.


These News WhatsApp group links are the best way for you to stay updated with the current affairs in the world and to know the latest occurings around you. Also, you can see the news in pictures, videos, and other forms in these newsgroups. Also, you can share the news that you have in these groups.

It is our top priority to provide you with the best and active news WhatsApp groups. That is why we have listed probably the best and most active WhatsApp groups above that you can join easily and get your wanted information through these groups and benefit from it.

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